Friday, January 28, 2011

When Enough is Enough

I shared in my last post that my word for the year is ENOUGH.

When we are stepping out in faith in areas of our lives you can be sure The Enemy will attack.
It is for sure and for certain.

Yesterday was my group Bible study day and can I just tell you that just about everything that can wrong trying to get there-DID?!?! At one point I called The Hubs sobbing. It was THAT kind of morning.
And then I got my feelings hurt by a dear friend. Who frankly doesn't even know she hurt my feelings and didn't mean to. ..but it feels like getting smacked in the face.

So, the question for me becomes what do I do about it?

Trust me when I tell you there is a part of me that wants to jump up and down and throw a fit and tell her and everyone around me who will listen. Another part of me wants to bury my head in the pantry and eat a bag chips or maybe all the cookies I can find.

But, the part of me that is claiming ENOUGH for the year says, I will claim Lamentations 3:22-24
God's loyal love couldn't have run out,
his merciful love couldn't have dried up.
They're created new every morning.
How great your faithfulness!
I'm sticking with God (I say it over and over).
He's all I've got left.
(The Message)

Feeling let down by a friend or a loved one is never easy.
But enough is enough. I'll stick with God-I'll say it over and over. He's all I need.
He's merciful love must become enough.

It's time to let the friend off the hook. After all, that is what I would pray she'd do for me.
I've know I've failed a friend or two. . or three. It's time to let myself off the hook too.
Perfection is no longer my goal. THINGS ARE GOING TO GO WRONG. It is NOT the end of the world.
All glory belongs to the Father, He is the only perfect one.

Another verse to cling to if you are going through something similar is Nah. 1:7
God is good,
a hiding place in tough times. (The Message)

BTW, I'm using The Message translation because the read more like prayers, which is what I'm doing now. Praying these Scriptures over me, back to God.

I pray all in your life is going smooth and easy, but frankly this life is hard. People let us down, families argue and I think most people are going through SOMETHING.
Our somethings may not always look the same, but the answer to them is: God is Enough.


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