Tuesday, August 11, 2009

From Extraodinary to Ordinary and Back Again

It would be a rare occasion in our house to not hear music coming from somewhere. Car, a room a voice-somewhere.
Music has been a huge part of my life since I was a little girl. From show tunes to horribly produced 80's rock , old hymns to the newest praise and worship-I've got it all tucked away forever in my head. And in many ways, it speaks to my soul, makes me feel- it also gets stuck in my head and rolls around in there for long periods of time. A blessing or a curse depending on what song it is, that's for sure!

One that has been rolling around in there the past few days is a Mercy Me song that I just adore.
But the line I can't over is this:
Who are we that you that you would be mindful of us?
What do you see that's worth looking our way?
What a beautiful picture of Grace! Sometimes the weight of grace can feel so crushing. Who are we? Who do I think I am? To call the creator of the universe Abba-Daddy?
For those of us who believe in the complete sovereignty of God, we understand that not only are we saved, but that we were chosen. Think about THAT for a minute. He choose you. He choose ME. Trust me, I KNOW how rotten I am and what evil things I have done!
But, this is where the grace part kicks in. . God doesn't see me when He looks at me. He sees the cross of Christ. Overwhelming isn't it, and yet if you've been a believer for any length of time it can become quite ordinary. Or maybe that's just me. Digging out from under the laundry pile, putting up the groceries, breaking up arguments, cleaning the bathroom, fixing dinner ( and breakfast and lunch). Ordinary life and change our outlook on the extraordinary. When we get so caught up in the ordinary it takes our zest of the extraordinary away one chip at a time.

Maybe that is another gift of music. I can be reminded of these extraordinary things in brief 3 minute clips, then they get stuck there and roll around for days, forcing me to focus on them.
Grace once again, not letting me go, even in the midst of the ordinary-yet another gift.

Thank You, Lord, for not only caring about my salvation and the vastness of that, but caring about the ordinary moments of my life! For making a way to remind me, even in those moments, of who You are and what You have done for this wayward child.


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