Friday, August 9, 2013


Today instead of focusing on grey hairs and laugh lines, I thought I'd list 42 I'm thankful for and love.

Except for the first four they are in no particular order.

1) Jesus. Without him and the grace He gives everyday- nothing else would matter.

2) Dear Hubby of mine.  He's loved me for over half my life.  Good, Bad and Ugly we've seen it all and we're still here. Love you, Dear Hubby, thanks for letting me be me.

3) Three beautiful miracles who call me mom.  Seriously, even on the really hard days, there is nothing better. I love you three more than you can possible understand right now. What a privilege it is to be your mom.

4) My Dear Parents.  What gifts they've poured on me.  But, my favorite is watching how they love my kids unconditionally.  I sometimes have people ask if I know how lucky I am to have   parents who not only love my children, but ENJOY them.  Yes, I am a blessed girl indeed!

5) My church family.  Simply.The.Best.  Not perfect. . .but God has used them in my life and blessed me by them in more ways than I can count. Pushed to grow and loved when it's hard. I love this group of people.

6) Girlfriends. I have some of the best.  There are not many people in this life who you can be your honest self with (It can be scary sometimes) But I've got some girls who aren't scared off, who know where I've been, know every flaw every weakness and love me anyway.
I blame most of my laugh lines on these girls-and I wouldn't trade a single one of them!

7) Music. Just about all kinds. . .I'm so thankful God didn't wait until heaven to give us this beautiful gift.  I am the girl who could burst into song at any given moment.

8) French Pedicures.

9) Cute shoes. Yes, I am that shallow.

10)  My kids school. It's not perfect, but neither are they so they make a good match.  I appreciate how they push them to excel yet love them where they are.

11) Good books. Books become like friends to me. I've been known to cry at the end of a book. Not because the ending was sad but because I had to say goodbye to the characters.

12) Farmers Fields with round hay bales. Never ceases to make me teary and remember where I come from.

13) Road trips.  I LOVE a road trip!

14) Camping.  I KNOW I KNOW.  But, since we purchased our little pop up camper a few years ago, I've learned to love it. . sitting around a campfire, looking at the stars. . .if you've never done that with your kids, I dare you too.  It'll change your family dynamic faster than just about anything.

15) Really Great Hotels.  Hey, I am no fool.

16) A really talented hairstylist. My great friend went to beauty school a couple of years ago and by her following her dream, she filled a huge void in my life. :)  Love Hair Salon Day!

17) MU Tigers.  I love my beloved Tigers (although I'm still not thrilled about the whole SEC thing, but I'll get over it)

18) Beth Moore.  This lady changed my life.  I can't wait to get to heaven and tell her without sounding like a gushing fan. Life. Changing.

19) Bible studies.  They get a separate category from Beth because not all the studies I do are Beth Moore.  I love digging deep into God's word and seeing things from a  perspective I never considered.

20) My i-phone.  Yes, I really am that shallow.

21) When all the laundry is done, folded and put away. It doesn't happen often, but oh I LOVE it when it does!

22) Medical care.  My kids have each been through much in regards to their health. Without modern medicine . . .well, I don't really like to think about what would've happened to them.

23) Peanut Butter.  Mmmm, I love peanut butter.

24) Fountain Diet Coke with a splash of cherry from Quick Trip or Sonic.  Seriously, one of life's simple pleasures.

25) Flowers.  Love these little gifts from heaven with all their bright colors.

26) Football.

27) Riding roller coasters with my kids.

28) Movies. I enjoy just about all types of movies, but I especially love the classics and anything with a superhero :) or a musical soundtrack :)

29) A great piece of jewelry . . not expensive, but fun and unique, I'm in!

30) Social media.  Yes, it can be annoying and overdone, but it's allowed me to stay in touch with friends across the world, become closer to others and get to know some new friends.

31) Sunny days with nothing to do or anywhere to be but the pool.

32) Having a great party.

33) Chocolate.

34) Max the Wonder Beagle. He can drive me NUTS sometimes, but he is the very definition of unconditional love.

35) Boo Mama and Big Mama. If you haven't read their blogs or books you should.  They are funny gals who helped me inspire me to write. In my head we are all friends. (Yes, I am that crazy)

36) The Ozark Mountains and Tablerock Lake. My happy place.

37) My extended family. Aunts, Uncles, Cousins. . .love those people.

38) A Freshly popped bowl of popcorn, lightly salted and buttered. Mmmm. By far and away my favorite snack.

39) A jar of dirt from my great grandparents farm.  I have it on the shelves in our family room. I love it and it reminds of my roots and those who've gone before me.

40) Sharpies.  I love writing with a Sharpie.

41) Sitting outside on a lovely evening playing hide and seek with the kids in the dark and chasing fireflies.  Some of my best days. They are to fleeting, and I am thankful for the gift of each and every one of them.

42) YOU.  Yep, I'm thankful for you. Thank you for stopping by and reading, leaving comments and sending me encouraging emails.
When you write, it's like you are letting strangers peek into your soul just a little, that can be difficult and scary at times. I appreciate the time each of you has taken out of your busy lives to stop by my little corner of the interwebs.
So yes, I am thankful for YOU.

Love xoxo,


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Angie. Thank you for sharing your heart with us. I love reading your blog and learning from you.
May you be blessed today and everyday.

Angie said...

AHH Thank you Friend. . comments are my love language, so thanks for the extra blessing of leaving yours today! xoxo A

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