Monday, November 9, 2009

What and Why

I was recently asked what Lessons from Aisle 12 is.

So, I thought I'd post the first thing I'd ever written with this title.
Basically, it's about my journey as a woman, wife, mom and how God shows himself to me in what appears to be the ordinary moments of my life.
(Please, don't be mistaken, God has shown Himself in BIG and MIGHTY ways in my life too! But, not everyday is a crisis or a mountain top. Sometimes, you've got to go the store, do the laundry and clean the bathroom!)

Without further words :) The very first Lessons from Aisle 12-almost 1 year ago (and WOW doesn't that seem to have flown by?!?!)

Today, after picking up Jude from preschool, we headed over to Aldi. For those of you who've never experienced the joy of the Aldi shopping adventure. . .well, it's hard to explain.
As our groceries were being rung up, Jude headed over to the counter where you bag your groceries, with his lunchable(ok let's call it his bribery--I'm so NOT above a little bribery). He was waiting for us very nicely and quietly, 'reading' the back of his box. Now for the fun part of Aldi, sacking up your groceries. . it's a nice little work out. Anyway, I digress. . .shocking I know!
A family of five children was heading our way as I was finishing up. They ranged from 8 to baby in a carrier. Three boys and two girls (one of the girls was the baby).
Two of the boys and the oldest girl sat down near Jude and they all struck up a conversation.
Talking about Star Wars, Christmas, the snow. It was really quite cute to listen to them chatting.
And it struck me as I watched them, when do we change? When do we go from just accepting how someone is and chat like we know each other. Because, going through my mind as I first saw them was
WOW five kids, she's so skinny and ones a baby! WOW five kids, I'll bet she home schools them, because how else are the oldest ones here. She must be a better mom/wife/woman fill in the blank than me, because she: has more kids, is thinner, home schools and is buying more fresh produce. (You know it didn't have to be those things that just what is was today).
So, when in our lives do we get so beat up by the world/Satan, we can't just enjoy talking with someone?
No comparing, no labeling,no judging (them or ourselves).
When do we stop seeing ourselves as the treasure God made us? His creation, created for His Glory!
The sweet acceptance of my five year old as he talked and laughed with these children. Never thinking for a moment what would someone else think about that, or maybe they wouldn't like him.
What a gift I was given today! A beautiful reminder to love and accept others and myself just the way Jesus does.
Wonder what I'll learn at Wal Mart tomorrow?


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