But, yet here you are with your cousin Thanksgiving coming over next week, you aren't far behind are you?
Yes, that time of year is coming quickly upon us!
We LOVE Christmas at our house! Lots of music, parties, trees, cookies and the like.
I will confess right up front that we are a Santa house (please don't judge!) and although my oldest knows who fills his stocking and brings the 'good gifts' my two littles are full fledged believers in the chunky guy in the big red suit. Last year my then 5 year old asked if Santa was really, really real. My response, "There was a real man named St. Nicholas who did some really neat things for some special boys and girls." I'll let you know if it comes up again.
But, I'm not writing this little diddy to debate the shoulds or should nots of Santa.
I am wondering, Internet friends what you do to keep Christ as the front and center of your holiday celebrations. With three kiddos its always fun to look for new ways of reminding them why the whole world is celebrating (even if the whole world can't remember why!).
Here are some things we currently do:
Fill shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child. Helps them focus on others instead of the gimmes.
Our advent calender is a nativity scene instead of a countdown to presents.
Each child has a nativity scene in their room.
We bake a birthday cake for Jesus on Christmas day.
Christmas Eve service at church, followed by reading Luke 2 before bedtime on Christmas Eve.
LOTS of age appropriate books that tell the true Christmas story.
But, I know there is more we could be doing. What does your family do?
Feel free to share one or more ideas with me, I'd LOVE to hear what your family does to keep Christ front and center of your celebrations!