We are a Christian family. (Some might use the word conservative to describe us)
Our children's education in firmly rooted in Christianity.
We are active and engaged in our church.
And yes, we celebrate Halloween.
This year I'm sending out into the neighborhood, Dr Who, a Policeman and an Autumn Fairy.
I can't wait to see who appears at my door: Princesses, Superhero's and I'm guessing a few Duck Dynasty guys are sure to make their way to us to get some candy.
When our oldest was tiny we wrestled with what to do regarding this most controversial of holidays.
And we came to the conclusion you just can't always say No.
We are called to be light to a dark world. What better way than shinning some light in the middle of a dark night?
Especially, important for us we believe, since we don't attend our local schools.
What a great way to reach out to our neighbors.
Of course we invite them to VBS, Trunk or Treat, Church, but should it always be that they have to come to us? Don't we need to go to them sometimes as well?
So that's what we do.
We hand out the GOOD candy with a smile - no tract, no invitation- just fun.
We see neighbors we don't always get to see often.
It's a fun night that we look forward to for months.
It's our family's PREFERENCE.
If it's your family's PREFERENCE to not participate that fine to.
I get it. I really do.
Here's the thing though. . .could you please ask you kids not to tell mine that they are celebrating the Devil's birthday?
That we are engaged in some sort of pagan holiday. . .
Because if we are truly TRULY honest, MODERN day Halloween has as much to do with Devil worship as the celebration of MODERN Christmas has to do with Jesus.
If you don't celebrate, can I encourage you to point out that 'all families are different, this is what works best for our family'-this is a mantra at our house concerning movies, video games, and music.
Don't look down on another family for not being exactly like you.
Our world doesn't need anymore Christians who look down their nose at them, saying loudly in the store so everyone around them can hear "WE DON'T CELEBRATE HALLOWEEN LIKE THOSE PEOPLE"
Love people where they are and yes, sometimes that's in the dark.
And really-who doesn't love free candy??