Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Little Green Apples

When we bought our new home last year, we inherited a lovely yard and garden. Including an apple and tree. During our first spring/summer here last year we had such fun watching everything bloom and grow, finding surprises here and there in what was popping up. Sadly, because of a late freeze last year, we didn't have any apples, so this year we've all found excitement in watching the blooms go from a flower to a real apple (what can I say, it doesn't take much to get us excited around here!)

Last week, J was playing out back with some buddies when he came running in the house with a half eaten small, green apple.
MOMMA MOMMA look what I have!! He was just tickled about this apple and I couldn't hardly get a word in edge wise. But, when he finally took a breath, I had to break his bubble and tell him that the apple wasn't ripe and shouldn't be eaten.
But, Momma, it looks like a real apple and it's kind of sweet!

Yes, I know but if you wait until it turns red, it'll be so much sweeter and taste so much better.

But, MOOOMMMM, I don't want to wait!!

Yes, I know Dear, but you must -trust me on this one. I promise they'll turn red and you'll be happy that you waited!

Shoulders drooped, Ok Mom.

As J went back outside to play, I couldn't help but smile thinking of all -ALL- the times the Lord and I have had the exact same conversation.

The boy I wanted to marry. That I begged God to let happen.
The babies I wanted so desperately and had to wait seven years for.
The jobs.
The opportunities.

Lots of times, I've tried to convince the Lord that what I wanted would be 'good enough', just like J was trying to tell me about his little green apple.

Of course, I can look aback over my life and see what wisdom there was in waiting and what Glorious Good, come from God's perfect timing, but at the time - well, at the time it was so hard and painful.
Going through seven years of infertility, at the time, I would have NEVER said was a blessing. But, now on the other side of it, I can see how God was working all things out in His timing.

There's the Hubs, who has blessed my life beyond measure. I can look back now and laugh with delight as I see how God was working his plan out for us to meet. But, the years before that I certainly didn't have that perspective. I wanted what I wanted and didn't want to hear,' just watch and wait to see what I have growing and ripening for you.'

There are other things too, jobs I didn't get, only to get the next one of few weeks later and seeing how much better that one was for me.

But, there are things now I'm still waiting for. Still waiting for God to move on my behalf, but now with a few years of perspective, I don't have to beg Him to let me just go ahead and eat the little green apple, but I can wait (sometimes patiently) for things to grow and ripen until they are just the perfect time for me.

Not always easy-rarely easy. But, oh so good, to look back and see how a tiny blossom in my life, he as turned into a full and ripened fruit that I can enjoy for His glory.

Whatever you're waiting for right now, hold on, harvest time is coming!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010


On the Road Again.. .

We just returned from a vacation, that quite frankly, no one is ready to be back from.
Reality is a cruel thing sometimes.
The reality is we live in the middle of the country and the desire is that our toes were still sinking in the sand and the waves were lapping at our heels. That no one had to work and we could spend all our time together.
This was my babies first time to see the ocean. And they were not disappointed. Nor were we at their reactions!
Mimi and Poppie were there too which only added to the fun and excitement of our adventure.
BTW, I get asked, or it is said to me quite often, that some don't know how we spend so much time together or how lucky we must be to get along all the time.
Let me say, yes we are so blessed to be close, but please don't misunderstand, we are regular people, who can drive each other batty sometimes. The key is acceptance of who each other is and the ability to forgive -and laugh at yourselves.
If you don't have that in your lives, know that we know we are blessed.

So much happened in our 1100 mile journey and God was there each step of the way revealing Himself! I won't share each thing I learned, but here are a few highlights.

When you pray and ask the Lord for ways you can practice the Fruit of the Spirit during your day, mostly likely at the next rest stop some guy will honk at you while you are buckling in your little girl. Or you'll have an extremely rude waitress. Or someone will flip you a not so nice gesture because you're going the speed limit.
I'm pretty sure He wants to know if you're serious or not. And you can be sure, your kids are ALWAYS watching. Now, to be sure these things can and do happen whether we've prayed that or not, but it certainly helped my response when I remembered what I'd just been praying. At least for that day- each day, each hour, sometimes moment to moment is a chance to make a choice-respond the way my flesh wants to or how Jesus wants me to. I fail allot. A WHOLE lot, but His grace covers me and thankfully His mercies are new every morning!

The other thing I could not get over, was God's amazing imagination! We went from the plains of Kansas to the Smokey Mountains to the beautiful beach. God is so creative! Can you imagine a God who created all that created it with us-you and me - in mind?!
To show us His might and power, to show us who He is and to show us how much he loves us. Overwhelmed me at times!
I couldn't get this song out of my head-and the poor hubs and to endure my rendition of it every time we walked along the shore. http://www.youtube.com/watch?

So, we are home, trying to back into the swing of things, to not notice the school supplies that are front and center when you walk in the stores. Appreciating each other more and being grateful for God's blessings that surround us everywhere we go.

Whether you went somewhere great this summer or had a staycation(we've had those too)enjoy your peeps and know that God created all you see for His glory and to show Himself to you!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Happy Birthday . . . .

It's been one year since I 'officially' started blogging.
Happy Birthday to my little blog!
Of all the things I thought I might end up doing in life -this certainly was never one of them!
May each word glorify God. May each thought be clear. May my children forgive me for embarrassing them, when they realize 99% of the stories are about them! And maybe, just maybe someday it won't take me 10 minutes to explain what Lessons from Aisle 12 is to someone for the first time. . . .

Thanks for be on this crazy ride of life with me!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Sometimes there are too many words in my head. . . .

I've had about 4 blog posts bouncing around in my head over the last week, but alas there either wasn't time to write them (we had VBS last week) or there were too many words for me to sort through.
Then yesterday our friends sweet four old boy went home to be with Jesus.
That made the words even more jumbled in my head.

The little guy never enjoyed a day without medicines or pain and we know and believe he is whole now and as Jude put it -he gets to run with Jesus, Mama-but I also know his own Mama's arms ache to hold him once more and see his precious smile.

So, in the midst of the pain and grief, here is just about all I've been able to do.
Remember who God the Father says He and His son are.
I hope these names bring you peace and comfort in whatever storms you are facing in your own life right now.

EL SHADDAI-God All Sufficient
JEHOVAH-JIREH-God will Provide
JEHOVAH-ROPHE-The Lord who Heals
JEHOVAH-NISSI-The Lord our Banner
JEHOVAH-M'KADDESH-The Lord who Sanctifies
JEHOVAH-SHALOM-The Lord our Peace

There are more, there IS more to our Saviour, but these are some ones that I have been clinging to these past 24+ hours.

Whatever you may be going through today -whether it's life and death, or a marriage falling apart, to a fussy baby, to broken down car -no that EL ROI-the God who sees is looking at you and He is your PALET-Deliverer.

Shalom for all of us today.