Thursday, August 19, 2010

I hate to eat and run. . .

Happy Back to school week!

Two boys back at school and the family trying to get back in the swing of the school day routine.
We've enjoyed an fun filled summer that including sleeping past 7 most days-so this time of year is always an interesting transition!

Baby girl is still at home with Momma this year (thank you Jesus-I dread the day she walks through the doors of school and doesn't look back)so doesn't have to wake up as early as the boys. But, with all the excitement the past two days it was impossible to sleep through! (which is a good thing- who isn't excited about a fresh new start and seeing your friends everyday??).

We are, more often than not, a cold cereal-piece of toast-kinda family. But, those first few days of school, I make a big hot breakfast. Nothing says 'I love you and I'll miss while you're gone' than fried pork product!

Well, yesterday it was french toast sticks and sausage links. The excitement was contagious and little girl didn't know whether to eat or follow her big brothers around watching & 'helping' them get ready.
And, while I'm usually a stickler about sitting at the table. . sit down. SIT down. SIT DOWN. (sorry, I was getting a twitch) there was just entirely too much going on to make that happen.
And, she said she wasn't hungry anyway.
But, then I saw her come running and grab a toast stick off the table as she went back to what she was doing. About 10 minutes later the same thing with a sausage link.
Then we were out the door to join the rest of the Momarratize taking the required 1st day of school pictures.
After getting the boys to their classes/locker -you can go now Mom-really you can. . .we were back home ready to tackle the day.

We'd only been home a little bit when I heard "Momma, I'm hungry!".
"But, we just ate breakfast." my reply. "But, I'm Huunnggery!!"
This is when it dawns on me her tummy doesn't even know she put anything in it, she was so busy running around while just taking a couple of bits.

I was reminded about how much I miss of the feast, God has prepared for me.
A feast, I'm too busy to enjoy. Can't appreciate, because there is so much going on around me I think I need to help with-I can't sit still and enjoy what is spread before me.
Yes, I might sit and have a quick word with Him, say a quick prayer in the morning and then wonder why I can't funciton in His power an hour later!
It's not because the food-His word- isn't there for me. It's because I haven't taken the time to sit and partake of the table spread before me.
How full I would be and not so ready to fill up with junk later on.

So, I will come and sit before Him at the table He's prepared for me and feast with Him. And be full.


destiny said...

So beautifully written! You are an inspiration!

Angie said...

Ahh, thanks!

Anonymous said...

So true! Great life-application to such a deep message.

Angie said...

These little buggers are always showing me something-whether they mean to or not :)

Britany said...

Oh, this is so true and a very good reminder of how we really need to keep our focus on God which is so hard to do when you have so many things running through our heads while trying to have our quiet time...or at least that is how I am??

stacey said...

wow! outstanding word picture! thanks agngie

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