Tuesday, June 8, 2010


I'm the girl who used to guess every single Christmas present-and if I couldn't guess would snoop until I found them all.
List maker extraordinaire.
And I can't tell you the joy I have in crossing things off my lists. Something about seeing the line through the item that gives me a sense of accomplishment. (I'm a nerd, I know)
I like to plan.
With both our boys, the Lord showed us he was in charge by years of waiting and countless infertility treatments. Years of anticipation and anxious waiting and our prayers were answered by two beautiful boys.
Our list had been made and filled. We were thankful and ready to move on from having babies to rearing them.
Then it happened. The surprise of a lifetime.
A baby was coming to us. One we hadn't spent years trying to have. One we hadn't prayed and cried for. One that was so unexpected I didn't even realize I was preggo and was convinced I had an ulcer until my girlfriend convinced me to get a home pregnancy test.

And here we are four years later, celebrating our little surprise who changed everything. Changed it all for the better.

I still make the lists and plan the trips, but I have learned that not every surprise is a bad one!

Happy Birthday, Precious One, always know that you are loved and wanted -even if you weren't part of the plan!

You'll always be Mommy's best surprise!

1 comments - Add Yours

Tanya Moyer said...

Yay for surprises!!! :)

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