My lesson this week didn't come from the aisle of the grocery store, it come from the waiting room of a hospital.
I've got three kiddos with asthma and some other significant things that makes waiting a part of our lives.
This past week our 6 year old had his tonsils removed, so back to the waiting room again.
We've been in various waiting rooms for small things and very large things.
(Please, don't miss understand, God has blessed us with our kids and we KNOW their problems are minor compared with some!)
But, while we were waiting YET again for the doctors to come out and tell everything is fine (there is no minor surgery when it's your child-can I get an Amen??) I began looking around and observing.
There are different kinds of 'waiters'. There are those who stare numbly at whatever happens to be on the waiting room TV, there are the readers, the nappers, the chatters, the pacers and the snackers. And yes, at one time or another, for one child or another, I've fallen into all of those categories.
Waiting rooms are really all about the same. Dull magazines, tv in the corner, uncomfortable chairs, coffee maker and people who are anxious, trying to appear calm and in control.
I've felt the range of emotions from, nervous and anxious to calm and at peace. Which got me to thinking what changes about waiting in the waiting room?
The room doesn't change, my emotions about the person I love who's being seen doesn't change. What changes. . God tells us and I believe He never changes, so what is it?
I soon realized, it's me. I change. I forget, or worse yet, don't bother to give my emotions and controlling ways over to Him.
I've felt the presence of the Lord so tangible in the midst of a waiting room, like I've never felt him before and I felt He was so far away at other times.
But, He is there waiting.
Waiting on me to realize He loves my precious children more than I ever could.
He is waiting on me to realize He and He ALONE is in control, my worry will change nothing.
He is waiting on me, to come to Him and tell my troubles to Him and then stand back and watch Him do His thing. And, OH! How I have seen Him do HIS thing! The mighty saving power that only He can produce!
It is so comforting to know that how I feel may change, but He never does.
And while I'm am waiting, He is there right beside me, whether I acknowledge Him or not. But, Oh the peace that comes when I do choose to Believe!
Thank You, Lord for waiting on me!