Friday, January 18, 2013


Last week was a difficult one.

Any week that involves both a plumber and an auto mechanic you know has to be rough.

In many ways that was only the tip of the iceberg last week, almost the easy stuff. So, if that was the easy stuff you can only imagine what the difficult stuff was.

What began with such promise and hope, suddenly become difficult and seemingly unmanageable.

My flesh wanted to pull the covers up over my head and refuse to come out until Spring or to throw myself on the floor kicking and screaming like a two year old who's candy was just taken away.

At a speaking opportunity I had in October one of the ladies graciously gave me a sweet little box filled with Scriptures that she had taken the time to insert my name into each one. (How  precious is that ??)

Each of them has been a blessing, but one became a treasure  last week.

I had taped it to my kitchen cabinet door and found myself coming back to it over and over; it says:

You will have perfect peace if you keep focused on Me, {Angie}.  Isaiah 26:3

I found myself clinging to this life line more than a few times last week and even now as my extended family is facing some difficult journey's.

What I find hope in the most in this verse is there is no promise to take all the trials away.
It doesn't say; "try harder, believe more, do more and I'll give you peace".

No, my peace comes not from my surroundings but who my gaze is fixed upon.

My peace comes from The Prince of Peace himself.

That is were my focus needs to remain.

Even though it is so easy to become distracted by all the chaos that is floating around us.

Circumstances and people change, but He never does. That is gives me peace.

My salvation does not rest in my ability to do or be better, it is by grace alone.

That gives me peace.

And though the trials of this world will and do come, this world is not my home, my story doesn't end here.

That gives me peace.

Even though you may be facing an unimaginable obstacles today or just a grouchy boss or stubborn child, remember with me to keep our focus not on the difficulties around us, but upon our



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