Monday, November 8, 2010

Think Happy Thoughts

Our house has been plagued by sickness this past month. Between numerous trips to the doctors which leads to numerous trips to the pharmacy which leads to much less money in the bank account, it can be very wearing. Not to mention the whole being sick part and frankly at times being sick of yourself and everyone around you because you feel so cruddy. Out of the five of us, 4 are on perception meds right now for whatever creepy crude this is that has attacked us.

Please know that I know there are so very many others that have it so much worse that we do.

And with all the sick and the yuck I've spent about a week and half just feeling stuck.
So, to help with my attitude check-besides much prayer and being in The Word I decided to make a list of some things that are making me happy right now.

Please know that Jesus and the Fam will always top the list. These are just other random things.

The wonderful fall we are having in the Midwest. Not to cold and the leaves are just beautiful right now.
I love a gorgeous red tree this time of year!

Micheal W. Smith's latest CD Wonder. I know he's been around forever and there is lots of great music out, but I love me some Smitty and this CD is current and fresh and just makes me happy.

Candy Corn. I know. It's wrong. But so right too.

Saving $96 at Kohl's on Saturday. I love a good sale combined with a 15% off coupon.

Hearing each of my children pray. There is something so precious about hearing the thoughts of a child expressed to their Creator. It's a beautiful thing.

My walking buddy, Erica. She makes morning exercise bearable and dare I even say-enjoyable.

Watching my daughter dance to the songs from Annie. There is nothing cuter than a little girl in a tutu. She's got no rhythm but boy does she love it!

I'm so grateful for the current Bible study I am doing. I've been beaten up and blessed all at the same time.

For a God who is loving and patient with me. Because seriously, I'm just way to much of a handful most of the time.

That most of our Christmas shopping was completed over the weekend. Yep that's right.

So, those are some of my happy thoughts right now, in between coughing and the passing out of tissues.

What's making you happy this week?


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