Tuesday, December 15, 2009

When Daddy Smiles

Getting a lesson from God in the middle of children's Christmas program at their Christian school, may not seem like a big deal, and maybe it's not. But, I did see God in such a real way and different way last Thursday night, I've got to share it with you.

Each year since our oldest was in Kindergarten, we've attended the schools annual Christmas program. Each year, I'm moved and tear up at their sweet little faces and little voices singing about the new born King. Always sweet, always adorable, always worshipful.

This year there was added excitement as our 2nd son was going to make his debut on stage. He's been practicing for weeks and has enjoyed the three songs his class was going to sing so much. It has been so fun to watch him enjoy his music so thoroughly!

A couple things you should know about #2. He's passionate about life, he's- shall we say. . .loud, and he throws his heart, mind and body into everything he does.
All very fine and noble qualities. Also all traits that can often (O F T E N) land you in some serious trouble as you push your momma right to the edge!!

So, there we were Thursday night, all in our places. Grandma and Grandpa right there too, of course, along with little sister. Camera's ready to go.

Big brothers class was up first and they and he did a great job. ( One down, one to go).

Then here come the Kindergartner's . The little ones always make everyone smile.
As they took the stage with their solemn faces, you could tell they had practiced much, and been lectured about standing straight and tall.
The music began (which I immediately recognized from all that practicing) and they were singing away.
At this point something unexpected happened. #2 stepped up to the mic with 2 of his friends. Seems he had a special in the middle of the song. Never ONCE did he tell us this. I reached over to grab The Hubs hand, and my heart went to my throat.
Sing and sing away they did. LOUDLY, very LOUDLY and adorably. To Jesus, they sang.
I'll admit it, I was so proud. Beaming, really and crying all at the same time.
And, as I pondered the evenings events, I began to think about how God looks at me, His child.
His child who can be stubborn, loud and disobedient. Trouble with a capital T. (#2 is a bit more like me than I care to admit sometimes) But, even with all the trouble I can cause, when I do something for His glory, I believe He smiles. Smiles and delights, might I even suggest beams with pride as I do something solely to bring honor to Him.
No matter how many time outs or spankings I've had ( and trust me, He's had to give me my share!) His love and delight in me never changes.
A father loving his daughter unconditionally, no matter how many mistakes have come before.
So, maybe not the lesson you'd think I'd learn at Christmas concert, but a wonderful one none the less.


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